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Hi everyone, here is a little story of my life and also I will be sharing some of stuffs which I have gained in my life.


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A Great 2015
Thursday, December 31, 2015 | 0 comments
It's a last day of 2015. It has been a roller coaster for us. The happy times, sad times and frustrated times, we have been through it.

Ultimately, while experiencing all these, God has been good and patient with me. Guiding me and teaching me more than what I have expected.

While enjoying the last day of 2015, I want to take time to thank God for everything he has plan and done for me

1) Thankful for the joy to celebrate our 1st year marriage.
2) Thankful for all the trips that I am able to go (Melbourne, Cebu, Bangkok, Taipei and church retreat)
3) Thankful for the assurance that I needed
4) Thankful for the people whom God has placed in my life
5) Thankful for the answering the prayers that I have

It gonna be a great ending of the year and a good start.

Resolution 2016

At all times, being thankful for everything.
Verse of the year: "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Ten Thanksgiving
Thursday, October 15, 2015 | 0 comments
Today I decide to pen down 10 things that I'm thankful for, to mark my 27th birthday
1) My family that I was born into. Because I have seen all the positive traits that I had are coming from my parents. 
2) A wonderful marriage with hubby because it is more than what our dating time.
3) My sister that I have drawn even closer than before & the support, crazy time and encouragement that I get from her.
4) My in laws! These 10 months I felt home and loved. We had gone through a lot and they had been giving me support and encouragement. Even praying for me. They really take care of me though things were not said but is through their actions that warmth my heart.
5) My sil, she had been there just as a sister figurine. Many things we shared in commons and I'm glad we get along well.
6) The important brother and sister, Justino. They are not friends but a family to me. The joy and fun they brought into my life. The downs time they also see it through. If anyone would want to replace them, I believed they are irreplaceable. No one can replace them. 
7) My love/sister/boyfriend whom even my mum called her my boyfriend. Though the time we shared right now is once a month meeting, but somehow she can never get off my mind. The one that I have grow up together for 12 years already.
8) My da whom I shared my uni time with. A person that I will never forget how she encourage me through the tough times during uni. It plays a very big if those who knows how my uni life were.
9) My B2 whom she prays a lot for me. Who encourage me through my spiritual walk with God. The one who guided me and being my example of life.
10) My spiritual leader in COOS, Chai. The one who go through many things with me. Guided me and also let me indirectly found my calling. The one who taught me how to draw close to God and letting me know the importance of my walk.
All these kept in my heart deep inside. Times that I don't know how to express, I really felt bad because I want to let them know that they played an important role in my life. But I just don't know how to express out. So I took the courage to be written in here. (:
So how about yours?

Test of faith
Friday, August 28, 2015 | 0 comments

A period of learning
A period of testing
A period of drawing close to God
A period of leaning on God
A period of trusting the Lord

A moment of joy
A moment of sadness
A moment of learning

This verse hit me so badly with the song that I finally understand the true meaning of what it means of the Lord give and take away, my faith will continue to stand firm.

"and said: 'Naked I cam from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and take away; may the name of the Lord be praised.'" (Job 1:21)

In the past, I couldn't understand what it means about the Lord give and take away. And I was always so confident whatever the Lord gave is good that it will never be taken away until recently, it really hits me badly. I couldn't understand why but I know that I have to learn to let go and let God handle it. And I know it is a lesson that God wants me to learn not to cling on so much of the things I want but cling on to Him alone. Well, I really thank God that I finally understand this and knowing that He is good in all aspect of my life.  Whatever may comes, but I want to continue to worship Him and knowing that good things are happening.

In times of trial, I really thank God for letting me feel the love from family. The support and prayers I received, I can never exchange for.

Are you up for the challenge?
Monday, July 06, 2015 | 0 comments
2 weeks ago I was debating with Shawn over instagram likes, and it triggers me to reflect even more about social media especially one of the day when I was doing my quiet time and the topic was about how much social media has impacted our lives.

To be honest, with the advanced technology, I felt that social media has took 90% of my time everyday. 


When I am bored = social media
When I wake up = social media
When I am sleepy at work = social media
When I want to be anti social = social media
When I am on the way to work = social media
Everything is about social media.

It is through the debate and quiet time, I realised the impact was so strong. It was part of my daily routine that I can't live without. I got so into knowing about others' people lives. I am into knowing about the world. All these makes me so into the world. It has a great influence to me and I felt that sometimes i felt envy about others' people like and I got negative when I am seeing things I don't wish to see especially is about friendship. 

And I am tired... I felt that we lost the meaning of friendship to such a point that we are no longer communicating but uses the social media to draw us closer. So I challenge myself to stay away from instagram since then. It wasn't easy to stay away. There are some days I still open my instagram but before it loads, I quickly exit and scolded myself. THIS IS A FACT. I really scold myself. HAHA...
But I felt happy for staying away because I felt that I draw closer with God instead. (PS. I didn't want to delete instagram app because I felt that I should learn to discipline myself.) It is more difficult to discipline myself with the app in my phone but that will be a best training to stay away.


When I am bored = I open bible app
When I wake up = I played a bit of game and pray
When I am sleepy at work = I walk to washroom or even pray in the toilet. WAHAHA
When I want to be anti social = I put in extra effort to give people I meet more time to talk
When I am on the way to work = I sleep or listen to songs to worship God
And I felt that I am less tired about life and felt I draw closer to God.

And why instagram and not facebook? HAHA 
Because I seldom use facebook unless I upload photos or my friends want me to see things and that's when I open. 

Are you also up for the challenge to stay away from social media? I am sure you will felt that the time spending on social media could be precious time that you can spend with God and catching up with people around you. (:

約書亞 - 聖靈請你來
Thursday, July 02, 2015 | 0 comments

我愛你 渴慕你 我需要你
充滿我 以你大能 更新我心
願你國降臨 你旨意成全

聖靈請你來 運行在這地
我們呼求你 我們呼求

來充滿這地 以你榮耀耶穌
來充滿這地 以你大能耶穌
來充滿這地 以你同在耶穌
來充滿這地 澆灌我們耶穌

A couple that we grow together
Monday, June 29, 2015 | 0 comments
Well, post-dated post... Went over to J & M new house for visitation. (: A couple whom we see how they got together, to proposal, to marriage and now to forming a family. A couple who supported us both spiritually and physically. We know they are always there and praying for us too.

Back to topic, we were thankful for both of them hosting us over. And also thankful for M who cooked and baked for us despite being tired for standing so long due to her pregnancy. 

Let the picture speaks the word

Isn't it looks good?

Can you guess the cuisine of the day? :x

I didn't take the photo of our dessert because we kinda of rushing off. Maybe next time. (:

Your Presence
Monday, June 22, 2015 | 0 comments

A song that touched my heart and brought me back to God. Each time this song is played, I felt the peace in my heart and knowing that God is here with me.